AI-based Abnormal Sound and Voice Analytics System

Combined sound receiving HW and AI analysis software send 24/7 event notifications to Milestone VMS.

Updated on Friday, June 17, 2022
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Our System collects various sounds such as screaming, vehicle crashes, glass breaking, etc, and analyzes them through deep learning. It sends sound event notifications and event logs are listed in the Milestone VMS and Alarm manager. So, our system can minimized crime occurrence in the blind spots.
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What is needed

From IVS Inc.

  • ISD1000i - Abnormal sound Analytics
  • ISD1000 Abnormal voice Analytics
  • Sound Analytics
Customers required either embedded type and server type sound collector hardware that is provided by IVS.
(1) Embedded type: not required license, not required server or PC, only need sound collector hardware (provided by IVS)
(2) Server type: required license, required the server or PC (customer need to prepare), need sound collector hardware (provided by IVS).

From Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect
  • Milestone XProtect
  • Milestone XProtect
- Required Milestone VMS XProtect product for viewing, recording events.
- Abnormal sound events are shown in VMS as pop-up messages.
- Abnormal sound event logs are listed in the Milestone "Alarm Manager" menu.

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How it works
How to install

AI-based Abnormal Sound and Voice Analytics System - Combined sound receiving HW and AI analysis software send 24/7 event notifications to Milestone VMS.

System overview:
A system that transmits sound data collected through an abnormal sound detector to a sound analysis server for analyzing and alerting at Milestone VMS for abnormal sounds such as human screams, glass breaks, vehicle crashes, etc. Also human voices such as "help", "help me" etc.
We provided a sound analytics system for Milestone VMS
(1) Embedded/edge analytics system
- Abnormal sound analytic software is embedded in sound-detecting hardware. Handling capacity is limited.
(2) Server-based analytics system
- Works in connection with the server PC where ISD-1000 SW installed. Support 180 degrees of sound range.
(3) Hybrid analytics system
- uses both embedded and server PC
- Provides site-specific optimization via noise removal algorithms and far-ranging sound learning.
- Minimizes blind-spot crime occurrence via CCTV camera PTZ movement in the direction of the abnormal sound.

Key features

  • Ability to detect various screams for each man and woman individually. Also, able to discern a person's everyday conversation and screams.
  • Detection (range: 20 meters in days, 50m at night) of specific abnormal sounds such as glass breaks, vehicle crashes and sudden stops sounds, etc.
  • Ability to detect the direction of the sound occurrence with ± 20° degree precision within 180°degree planar angle (9 preset, each 20 deg.)
  • The ability to record only the abnormal sounds for database reference is provided. Recorded abnormal sound can be used for custom training and detect
  • IP55 Protection Standard (IP55 enclosures that demonstrate almost complete protection from particles and a good level of protection against water).
How it works

How to install


This is where you can find additional documentation

Milestone Verified Read verification


Required IVS Inc. product(s)
Customers are required to buy either embedded type and server type sound collector hardware from IVS. (1) Embedded type: IVS1000iO, provided by IVS (2) Server type: IVS1000i, provided by IVS Milestone XProtect VMS 2018 and later versions.

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2021 R1, 06/29 2021
  • XProtect
    2021 R1, 06/29 2021
  • XProtect
    2021 R1, 06/29 2021
  • XProtect
    2021 R1, 06/29 2021
  • XProtect
    2021 R1, 06/29 2021

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2018 R1, 02/20 2018 and later
  • XProtect
    2018 R1, 02/20 2018 and later
  • XProtect
    2018 R1, 02/20 2018 and later
  • XProtect
    2018 R1, 02/20 2018 and later
  • XProtect
    2018 R1, 02/20 2018 and later

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