What is in the latest device pack?
Driver changes:
• Axis
- Auo rotate setting is added
Some Axis devices have the option to Auto rotate the image so that the video stream will be always positioned correctly. From Device Pack v. 13.3 going forward, there will be such an option in the XProtect Management Client. Refer KB article for details: https://supportcommunity.milestonesys.com/s/article/Auto-rotation-setting-in-Axis-devices?language=en_US
• Halo
- Enabled event configuration through the Video channel
With event configuration enabled through the video channel, it's now possible to create and define alarms in Alarm Manager for Halo sensors.
• Hanwha
- Added speed setting for finer control of the PTZ joystick control.
When the PTZ joystick control button is clicked, the camera will make fine, incremental movements. If the button is held down, the camera will move at the maximum speed of 100, allowing for larger or faster adjustments.
- AI Box (AIB-800) - a new device with AI capabilities is now supported by the Hanwha driver.
Fixed Issues: