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UNIONCOMMUNITY provides high performance biometric access control terminals including fingerprint, face, iris, and multi-modal.
Since its foundation in 2000, UNIONCOMMUNITY has been expanding its biometric access control line-ups utilizing core technologies. One of the most renowned technologies...
developed by UNIONCOMMUNITY is fake fingerprint detection, for which the company holds various patents.
Beyond the development of access control terminals ,the company broadens its global presence by providing total biometric security solutions and integrated security worldwide.
With more than 100 partners in over 100 countries and utilizing its core technology, UNIONCOMMUNITY is committed to providing high-performance and high-quality products and solutions to our customer.
What we do
See how our products and services can help solve your challenges
Located at:
Repubblica di Corea
Beobwon-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Repubblica di Corea