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MIMS - Mobile Incident Management

Field security resource management that helps organizations report, track and dispatch incidents

Aktualisiert am Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2022
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Explore more
MIMS provides a complete solution for creating, reporting & dispatching field incidents whether they are security related, emergency related or operations related. Take advantage of VMS integration to correlate incidents with CCTV footage and extend MIMS mobile video dispatch technology.
Technology Partner
Von Milestone geprüft
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What is needed



Von Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect

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Customer Stories
Dubai Ports improves incident response time
DPW achieves lower response time and field incident response automation.

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How it works
How to install

MIMS - Mobile Incident Management - Field security resource management that helps organizations report, track and dispatch incidents

MIMS platform provides a plethora of benefits to demanding security operations working with VMS technology. The Milestone XProtect® video management software integration provides collaboration of video and field incident data, as well as a number of value add features that include:

- Ingestion of Milestone VMS alerts and automation of field response actions.

- Field resource mobile dispatch supported with real time connection to active camera stream.

- Integrated in-vehicle surveillance and operation management.

- Violation fine issuance - use video recorded via Milestone XProtect to create a traffic or criminal violation with video evidence.

- Correlation of video data with resource attendance
- Indoor/outdoor resource and vehicle tracking.
How it works

How to install


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Von Milestone geprüft Read verification


Required ARROW LABS product(s)
V.2.0 V.2.2 V.2.5

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2018 R3, 10.02 2018

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2016 R2, 06.01 2016 und später

Country availability

Your location is: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

    • Ägypten
    • Südafrika
    • Bahrain
    • Hongkong
    • Jordanien
    • Kuwait
    • Libanon
    • Oman
    • Saudi Arabien
    • Singapur
    • Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
    • Frankreich
    • Spanien
    • Vereinigtes Königreich
    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Language versions available

Arabisch Englisch

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