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WaterView srl
WaterView is a one-of-a-kind company blending expertise in fields such as meteorology, hydrology, environmental modelling, computer vision and AI in a team that is constantly looking at cameras from a completely new perspective, to find unconventional solutions to the most challenging problems of a...
fast changing world. By leveraging digital transformation, IoT and edge computing, WaterView collects granular and real time data that may help reducing risks related to both ordinary and extreme weather events, thus turning cameras into the sentinels of climate change.
WaterView has been founded in 2015 in Turin, Italy. It now has a team of 15 people, and active partnerships with companies like Eurotech, NVIDIA and Axis Communications.
What we do
See how our products and services can help solve your challenges
Located at:
Via Vittorio Alfieri, 24, 10121 Torino TO, Italy