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VENZO Secure Hybrid Series H250
Adaptable in diverse environments. Performance, expandability and scalability.
Aktualisiert am Freitag, 18. November 2022
VENZO Secure H250 delivers best in breed performance with the right balance of expandability and scalability.
Designed and optimised for Milestone XProtect. A 2U server with 12 LFF disk drives bays and up to 168 TB of storage.
Pre-installed with XProtect and tailored to your requirements.
Designed and optimised for Milestone XProtect. A 2U server with 12 LFF disk drives bays and up to 168 TB of storage.
Pre-installed with XProtect and tailored to your requirements.
What is needed
Von VZ Secure
Hybrid Series H250
Von Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
How it works
How to install
VENZO Secure Hybrid Series H250 - Adaptable in diverse environments. Performance, expandability and scalability.
Adaptable for diverse IP video surveillance environments, the VENZO Secure H250 delivers best in breed performance with the right balance of expandability and scalability.The Hybrid Series can function as an all-in-one with both Management and Recording Server or as a dedicated Recording Server. The dense 2U design with up to 12 LFF & 2 SFF hot-plug drives. It delivers optimised and accelerated performance for Milestone XProtect with superior bandwidth and balanced architecture. Delivered with Milestone XProtect preinstalled.
Key features
- Preinstalled and optimised for Milestone XProtect
- 250 Cameras 1080p, h.265, 1.2 Gbit/s
- 5 years support, with the option for 4hrs mission critical or next business day response
- Dual Intel Xeon Silver processors
- Flexible RAID options(0,1,5,6,10) and daul power supply
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
VENZO Secure Hybrid Series H250 Quick Specs | pdf Download (1,19 MB) |
Von Milestone geprüft
Read verification
Required VZ Secure product(s)
Hybrid series H250
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2019 R1, 02.05 2019
XProtectCorporate2019 R1, 02.05 2019
XProtectExpert2019 R1, 02.05 2019
XProtectEssential+2019 R1, 02.05 2019
XProtectProfessional+2019 R1, 02.05 2019
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2017 R2, 06.08 2017 und später
XProtectCorporate2017 R1, 02.15 2017 und später
XProtectExpert2017 R1, 02.15 2017 und später
XProtectEssential+2017 R2, 03.28 2017 und später
XProtectProfessional+2017 R2, 06.08 2017 und später
Country availability
Your location is: Niederlande
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