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Milestone XProtect as a service

Turnkey Milestone XProtect as a cloud service, running in the cloud, on-premises, or both.

Aktualisiert am Freitag, 17. Juni 2022
Bereitgestellt von Hypersive LLC Kontakt
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Explore more
Hypersive makes it easy for VARs, SIs, and end-users to use Milestone XProtect as a secure and scalable cloud service. Designed for both existing and new XProtect installations, customers can deploy a full cloud-based XProtect infrastructure or add cloud components to an existing installation.
Technology Partner
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What is needed

Von Hypersive LLC

  • XProtect as a Service

Von Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect

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How it works
How to install

Milestone XProtect as a service - Turnkey Milestone XProtect as a cloud service, running in the cloud, on-premises, or both.

For End-Users - Businesses, property managers, physical security teams, and others who use and operate building technologies

We deliver today’s building technologies as cloud services to help you get more out of what you already own. Our cloud services reduce IT complexity, enhance the capabilities of your current systems, and simplify upgrades and expansion.

For The Channel - Resellers, systems integrators, and others who sell and support building management technologies and services

We build cloud services for products that you and your customers use today. You can sell secure and reliable cloud products without having to build your own cloud engineering practice and cloud operations team.

For Manufacturers and Software Vendors
We provide a secure, scalable, and channel-aware SaaS platform for your current product lines. You can deliver cloud products today and accelerate your cloud transformation strategy.

Key features

  • Use what you have. Go to the cloud and keep your configurations, integrations, and knowledge.
  • Use what you need. You can provision a full installation or components to enhance an existing one.
  • Run where you want. Use any mix of in-the-cloud or on-prem, all with a consistent experience.
  • Pay for what you use. Hypersive bills for what you use - video stored, video viewed, and video analyzed.
  • Leave when you want. Unlike other cloud services, if you decide to leave we can hand you your fully functional VMS without interruption or data loss.


Cloud IT-Infrastruktur
How it works

How to install


This is where you can find additional documentation

Von Milestone geprüft Read verification


Required Hypersive LLC product(s)

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03.08 2022
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03.08 2022
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03.08 2022

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03.08 2022 und später
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03.08 2022 und später
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03.08 2022 und später

Country availability

Your location is: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Language versions available


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