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Gallagher and Milestone XProtect Integration

A seamless, bi-directional integration between Gallagher Command Centre and Milestone XProtect.

Aktualisiert am Freitag, 17. Juni 2022
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Explore more
This bi-directional integration allows either system to be the front-end interface, giving operators the ability to confidently manage incidents on site in a way that suits them.
- View video and respond to alarms in either system
- Single audit trail
- License Plate Recognition
- and much more
Technology Partner
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What is needed

Von Gallagher Security

  • Gallagher Command Centre
  • Milestone VMS Integration
  • MIP Plugin
Gallagher's Milestone VMS integration is supported from Command Centre v7.40 or later (to utilize all features ensure you are using the most current version)

Von Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect
XProtect 2014
XProtect 2016 (R1 / R2 / R3)
XProtect 2018 (R1 / R2 / R3)
XProtect 2019 (R1 / R2 / R3)

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How it works
How to install

Gallagher and Milestone XProtect Integration - A seamless, bi-directional integration between Gallagher Command Centre and Milestone XProtect.

Gallagher Command Centre & Milestone XProtect have a bi-directional integration that allows either system to be the front-end system, giving operators the ability to confidently manage incidents on site in a way that suits them, including:

• Respond to events & alarms in either system
• Events & alarms actioned in one system will automatically be updated in the other, providing a single source of truth
• Access granted decisions include those based on LPR

Gallagher operators can:
• View video associated with alarms
o Milestone alarms include motion detection and other analytics
o Gallagher alarms include duress, forced door, & perimeter
• Stream footage in H.265 (HEVC)
• Pan, tilt & zoom the camera
• Capture an image of the current frame
• Challenge access requests (approve/deny)

Milestone operators can:
• Acknowledge & process Gallagher events
• View & open Command Centre doors
• View Command Centre cardholder images & personal data fields in Milestone for synchronized cardholders

Key features

  • Use either Command Centre or XProtect as the front-end system, giving operators the flexibility to confidently manage events in a way that suits them.
  • Respond to events and alarms in either system. Events and alarms actioned in one system will automatically be updated in the other.
  • Access granted decisions include those based on License Plate Recognition.
  • Gallagher operators can view and manage cameras associated with the full range of Milestone analytic events.
  • Milestone operators can, acknowledge and process Gallagher events, view and open doors, view Command Centre cardholder images and PDF’s.


How it works

How to install


This is where you can find additional documentation

Von Milestone geprüft Read verification


Required Gallagher Security product(s)
Gallagher Command Centre v7.40 or later Gallagher Milestone VMS Integration Gallagher Controller API Gallagher MIPs Plugin

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2019 R1, 02.05 2019

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2014, 05.21 2014 und später

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Arabisch Chinesisch Englisch Französisch Japanisch Niederländisch Polnisch Russisch Spanisch Türkisch

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