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The Boring Toolbox Health Monitoring & Dashboards

Manage, deploy and monitor XProtect faster with bulk configuration, reporting and dashboards

Aktualisiert am Dienstag, 18. April 2023
Bereitgestellt von The Boring Lab, LLC Kontakt
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Explore more
The Boring Toolbox was created to make the monitoring & management of Milestone XProtect more efficient. Save hours (days) of time, provide better customer support and finally finish those boring management tasks, while at the same time monitoring VMS and camera health, compliance and cyber-security
Technology Partner
Von Milestone geprüft
Bis zu 1000 +
What is needed

Von The Boring Lab, LLC

  • Boring Server
  • Boring Client
Requires Windows 8 Pro or Server 2012 R2 Std and above

Von Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect
XProtect Corporate 2018R2 or higher
XProtect Expert 2018R2 or higher
XProtect Professional+
XProtect Express+
Support for XProtect 2022 R3 Tested

Featured content

Customer Stories
Swinburne University's "Light bulb Moment"
Swinburne University in Melbourne, Australia found a better way to manage Milestone XProtect
Stone Security Partners with Boring Lab
And you should to! Contact us today.
Meet Boring Lab
See who we are and why we created the Toolbox

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How it works
How to install

The Boring Toolbox Health Monitoring & Dashboards - Manage, deploy and monitor XProtect faster with bulk configuration, reporting and dashboards

How much would you give to have another team member to perform those critical but boring tasks that take up so much of your time? Well dream no more...meet your new team member, The Boring Toolbox, who will be a force-multiplier by helping with...

* monitoring camera health & recording server storage
* creating reports with always accurate information
* taking snapshots of all your cameras to insure video quality
* insuring compliance with video retention policies
* changing passwords on your cameras
* Renaming cameras to keep them consistent with your new naming standards
* curating device groups by camera model & recording server
* configuring adaptive streaming settings across all your cameras
* updating IP addresses for your cameras in Milestone
* and more...

Ready to meet your new team member in person? Reach out today for a demo or trial today!

Key features

  • Visualize Milestone XProtect VMS and camera health with beautiful dashboards
  • Perform management tasks in bulk including renaming devices and hardware, enabling and disabling, deploying HTTPS & updating IP addresses
  • Create beautiful reports with information from across the Milestone VMS including device data, snapshots, video retention and server information
  • Increase cyber-security with password synch between Milestone XProtect, Axis, Bosch, Hanwha, Arecont & Sony
  • Deploy adaptive streaming quickly. Update codec, frame rate, resolution and streaming mode in bulk regardless of driver or camera model
How it works

How to install


This is where you can find additional documentation

Von Milestone geprüft Read verification


Here you can find more information about installers and installation guides


Required The Boring Lab, LLC product(s)
All versions of The Boring Toolbox and server are supported

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2022 R3, 10.11 2022
  • XProtect
    2022 R3, 10.11 2022
  • XProtect
    2022 R3, 10.11 2022
  • XProtect
    2022 R3, 10.11 2022
  • XProtect
    2022 R3, 10.11 2022

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2018 R2, 06.07 2018 und später
  • XProtect
    2018 R2, 06.07 2018 und später
  • XProtect
    2018 R2, 06.07 2018 und später
  • XProtect
    2018 R2, 06.07 2018 und später
  • XProtect
    2018 R2, 06.07 2018 und später

Country availability

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    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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    • Falklandinseln
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    • Jungferninseln, britisch
    • Jungferninseln, US-amerikanisch
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    • Paraguay
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    • Saint Martin
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    • St. Vincent und die Grenadinen
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    • Trinidad und Tobago
    • Turks und Caicos Inseln
    • Uruguay
    • Venezuela

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