Video-based solution for Automatic Incident Detection and Traffic Data Collection
Sprinx TRAFFIX.AI is a complete video-based solution for Automatic Incident Detection and Traffic Data Collection. Based on Deep Neural Networks, it allows reliable detection of incidents and anomalies in traffic flow on critical infrastructures such as highways, tunnels and intersections.
What is needed
Sprinx Technologiesから
TRAFFIX.AI 3.0.3 (or higher)
TRAFFIX 3.0.3 (or higher)
SX-TRAFFIC 2.6.3 (or higher)
TRAFFIX 3.0.3 (or higher)
SX-TRAFFIC 2.6.3 (or higher)
Milestone Systemsから
Milestone XProtect
How it works
How to install
TRAFFIX.AI - Video-based solution for Automatic Incident Detection and Traffic Data Collection
Based on advanced Object Tracking and Deep Learning algorithms, Sprinx TRAFFIX.AI is a software solution that allows reliable detection of incidents and anomalies in traffic flow on critical infrastructures such as highways, tunnels and intersections.TRAFFIX.AI enables to quickly alert operators about incidents and traffic slowdown, to promptly send notifications to Milestone XProtect VMS platform and automatically place a bookmark in the recorder footage or trigger any action.
TRAFFIX.AI allows the collection of data related to traffic flow. It allows smart city officers to get mobility insights regarding distribution and composition of the traffic.
TRAFFIX.AI is more than a standard AID software. In addition to analyzing images from standard IP cameras (ONVIF Profile S compliant) to detect traffic events, it can collect alarms and data processed by Sprinx TRAFFIC.APP and license plate information from ANPR cameras, becoming a real traffic platform.
Key features
- Event Detection: Stopped Vehicle, Slowdown&Queue, Pedestrian, Wrong Way, Loss of Visibility, Spilled Cargo, Slow/Fast Vehicle, Lane Change
- Traffic Data Collection: Vehicle Counting and Classification, Average Speed, Average Distance between vehicles, Traffic Density
- Easy integration with traffic systems through: TCP messages, OPC-UA protocol, Modbus TCP, dry contacts (Moxa IO device)
- Web dashboard to visualize clear graphics of the traffic data and to navigate through the event journal with the snapshot and the video of each alarm.
- By leveraging powerful Deep Neural Networks, TRAFFIX AI analyses video streams in real time to quickly classify vehicles and identify traffic issues.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Sprinx TRAFFIX and Milestone XProtect Configuration | pdf Download (1.68 MB) |
Sprinx TRAFFIX Brochure | pdf Download (760.60 KB) |
Read verification
Required Sprinx Technologies product(s)
SX-TRAFFIC 2.6.3 (or higher)
TRAFFIX 3.0.3 (or higher)
TRAFFIX.AI 3.0.3 (or higher)
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2021 R1, 06/29 2021
XProtectCorporate2021 R1, 06/29 2021
XProtectExpert2021 R1, 06/29 2021
XProtectEssential+2021 R1, 06/29 2021
XProtectProfessional+2021 R1, 06/29 2021
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2018 R3, 10/02 2018 その後
XProtectCorporate2018 R3, 10/02 2018 その後
XProtectExpert2018 R3, 10/02 2018 その後
XProtectEssential+2018 R3, 10/02 2018 その後
XProtectProfessional+2018 R3, 10/02 2018 その後
Country availability
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