Siroonian Technologies, Inc.
Siroonian Technologies, Inc. (STI) is a diversified information technologies services company based in the United Sates. Founded in 1986 the Company has worked within the utility industry of USA. Over the last two decades the Company has focused on decommissioning nuclear power plants. The Company...
provides technology and services for decommissioning and long-term fuel storage operations.
Over the last twenty-five years, we have built a library of specific applications, network architectures, procedure, and services including:
Asset and license management
Physical and logical Access Control
Alarm Point Monitoring
Staff Training Management
Electronic Records Capture, Retention and Access Management
Maintenance and Work-Order Workflows
VCC Temperature Monitoring and Reporting
Video Surveillance and Video Management
Public Address system
Event and Key Logs with Shift Report Generation
Telephony diversity and redundancy
Internet access controls, use and monitoring.
IT Acquisition
What we do
See how our products and services can help solve your challenges
Milestone Certification
Milestone tested and validated our solution services for compatibility with Milestone XProtect® video management software (VMS). We also have employees who are certified to work with Milestone IP Surveillance Systems.
Integration Technicians
Milestone Certified Integration Technicians (MCIT) have the proven ability to install and configure moderately complex XProtect Advanced VMS installations with 100-500 cameras.
Located at:
Norwell, MA 02061, USA