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PADS4 - software for dynamic display communication

PADS4 is a dynamic display communication platform based on rules and real-time data integration.

Aggiornato il venerdì 17 giugno 2022
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Explore more
PADS4 is a powerful all-in-one digital signage software platform, supporting real-time data integration and logic programming, resulting in dynamic display communication. PADS4 transforms relevant data including intelligent video and sensor output into smart and relevant display communication.
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  • PADS4

Da Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect

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Supporting Atos with innovative digital solutions
PADS4 drives the branding and communication to boost the engagement of the employees at Atos.

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How it works
How to install

PADS4 - software for dynamic display communication - PADS4 is a dynamic display communication platform based on rules and real-time data integration.

With PADS4 we offer the most complete digital signage platform for your organization.​

Our software enables you to create and manage, schedule and distribute content and templates, and also enables you to manage and analyze your digital communication network.​

It is an out-of-the-box software package to get and stay in control of your digital communication. PADS4 supports real-time data integration including intelligent video and sensor output, and logic programming to display dynamic and relevant targeted communication.

Key features

  • Integrate seamlessly into the day-to-day operation and automated display communication.
  • Change your content quickly and easily with a CMS anyone can work with to schedule and publish content across all your screens.
  • Eliminate the end-users learning curve (no need to learn a new tool).
  • Future proof (scalable in size and need).
  • Independent platform supporting a wide variety of hardware and software.
How it works

How to install


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Required NDS product(s)
PADS4 v2020.4 and higher

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2020 R2, 06/09 2020

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2020 R2, 06/09 2020 e seguenti

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