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ACIC Video Analytics & Artificial Intelligence
A full suite of VCA & AI applications for various security and data collection scenarios
Aggiornato il giovedì 16 giugno 2022
Since 2003, ACIC develops innovative VCA solutions and AI technologies based on its own neural networks for automated and intelligent video surveillance. From security to datamining, ACIC provides tailor-made solutions. They can be used with any IP cameras or on the Edge with compatible models.
What is needed
Da ACIC s.a.
ACIC software suite
XProtect plugin
ActivityDetection SERVER 2.0 or higher
ActivityDetection EDGE for Axis 2.0 or higher
ActivityDetection EDGE for Dahua 3.0 or higher
ActivityDetection EDGE for Hikvision 2.3 or higher
Autotracking SERVER 1.0 or higher
CrowdNumbering SERVER 1.0 or higher
PeopleCounting SERVER 1.0 or higher
TrafficMonitoring SERVER 2.3 or higher
PanoramaDetection SERVER 2.7 or higher
Counting AI SERVER 1.0 or higher
Counting AI EDGE for AXIS 1.0 or higher
Privacy 1.0 SERVER 1.0 or higher
ActivityDetection EDGE for Axis 2.0 or higher
ActivityDetection EDGE for Dahua 3.0 or higher
ActivityDetection EDGE for Hikvision 2.3 or higher
Autotracking SERVER 1.0 or higher
CrowdNumbering SERVER 1.0 or higher
PeopleCounting SERVER 1.0 or higher
TrafficMonitoring SERVER 2.3 or higher
PanoramaDetection SERVER 2.7 or higher
Counting AI SERVER 1.0 or higher
Counting AI EDGE for AXIS 1.0 or higher
Privacy 1.0 SERVER 1.0 or higher
Da Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
XProtect Corporate 2013 (6.0a) or higher
XProtect Expert 2013 (6.0a) or higher
XProtect Enterprise 2013 (8.5e) or higher
XProtect Professional 2013 (8.5e) or higher
XProtect Professional+ 2017 R2 (11.2a) or higher
XProtect Express 2014 (8.6a) or higher
XProtect Express+ 2017 R2 (11.2a) or higher
XProtect Smart Client 2013 or higher
XProtect Expert 2013 (6.0a) or higher
XProtect Enterprise 2013 (8.5e) or higher
XProtect Professional 2013 (8.5e) or higher
XProtect Professional+ 2017 R2 (11.2a) or higher
XProtect Express 2014 (8.6a) or higher
XProtect Express+ 2017 R2 (11.2a) or higher
XProtect Smart Client 2013 or higher
Featured content
Customer Stories
Port of Cannes
Project to secure the docks of the old port of Cannes.
Office Counting
Counting of people entering and leaving an offices building
Dubai Airport
Perimeter protection and autotracking at Dubai airport.
Traffic Monitoring in a tunnel
Traffic management in the tunnels of Antwerp in Belgium
How it works
How to install
ACIC Video Analytics & Artificial Intelligence - A full suite of VCA & AI applications for various security and data collection scenarios
Our integration allows to receive analytics events and graphical metadata directly into Milestone XProtect. We offer a wide range of products, from security solutions to datamining analytics. Many scenarios can be covered:- Perimeter intrusion (virtual fence, sterile zone)
- Loitering
- Left or removed objects (illegal dumping, stolen object, graffiti)
- Group detection
- Running
- Counting with AI (persons, vehicle, bicycle, …)
- Area numbering (persons, vehicle, bicycle, …) with max occupancy alarms
- Queue management
- Autotracking
- Wide area surveillance (panorama)
- Traffic classification
- Counterflow
- Overspeeding
- Speed measurement
- License plate recognition
- Parking management
- AI for detection confirmation
- AI Detection and classification (PPE, face mask, cars, bikes, trucks, bus, ...)
- Customized solutions
Our Data Management Platform collects and visualizes the data (graphs, stats) coming from our applications. The widgets can be embedded into the SmartClient.
Key features
- Designed with a distributed and scalable architecture to ensure great flexibility in integration, configuration, maintenance and reliability.
- Video acquisition can be done directly from Milestone thanks to our plugin.
- Our AI module can be customized with models to detect and classify objects that really match your context (ex. city transports or security equipments)
- All the solutions can be centralized on a single analytics server with an intuitive web interface for a quick and easy configuration.
- An all in one appliance is also available, with Milestone XProtect and our analytics server pre-installed. One single server for ACIC and Milestone.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Milestone XProtect integration manual | pdf Download (1,39 MB) |
ActivityDetection configuration | pdf Download (2,18 MB) |
ACIC product portfolio | pdf Download (4,56 MB) |
Edge video analytics integration | pdf Download (591,67 KB) |
Milestone verification | pdf Download (87,28 KB) |
Verificato da Milestone
Read verification
Required ACIC s.a. product(s)
ActivityDetection SERVER 2.0 or higher
ActivityDetection EDGE for Axis 2.0 or higher
ActivityDetection EDGE for Dahua 3.0 or higher
ActivityDetection EDGE for Hikvision 2.3 or higher
Autotracking SERVER 1.0 or higher
CrowdNumbering SERVER 1.0 or higher
Counting SERVER 1.0 or higher
TrafficMonitoring SERVER 2.3 or higher
PanoramaDetection SERVER 2.7 or higher
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2020 R3, 11/12 2020
XProtectCorporate2020 R3, 11/12 2020
XProtectExpert2020 R3, 11/12 2020
XProtectProfessional+2020 R3, 11/12 2020
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2017 R2, 06/08 2017 e seguenti
XProtectCorporate2013, 05/21 2013 e seguenti
XProtectExpert2013, 05/21 2013 e seguenti
XProtectProfessional+2017 R2, 06/08 2017 e seguenti
Country availability
Your location is: Paesi Bassi
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