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Dynamic Stream Selection

Provides the ability to shift the stream based on the size of the smart client view item.

Aggiornato il martedì 6 giugno 2023
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It provides the ability to determine the size of a camera view item and use the above-mentioned interface extension to send a message to the XProtect® Smart Client, to switch between two streams on the camera view item. The solution is a plug-in which runs in the background.
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How it works
How to install

Dynamic Stream Selection - Provides the ability to shift the stream based on the size of the smart client view item.

The Dynamic Stream Selection plug-in provides the ability to determine the size of a camera view item and use the above-mentioned interface extension to send a message to the XProtect® Smart Client, to switch between two streams on the camera view item. The solution is a plug-in which runs in the background; therefore, it has no graphical user interface in the XProtect® Smart Client.

The Dynamic Stream Selection solution constantly monitors which view is currently shown and whether or not the size of any view item is changed. If the camera view item has a size which is larger than 600 pixels high and 800 pixels wide, the plug-in will command the camera view item to switch to the High Resolution Stream defined. If the view item is smaller than the mentioned sizes, the plug-in then will command the camera view item to switch to the Low Resolution Stream defined, respectively.

Key features

  • Great aid to improve network load and bandwidth efficiency
  • Better consumption of storage usage needs
  • Increased efficiency in terms of system resources such as video processing

Area of practice

Gestione video Sorveglianza
How it works

How to install


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Required Milestone Systems product(s)
XProtect Advanced VMS products ( Corporate and Expert )

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2018 R2, 06/07 2018
  • XProtect
    2018 R2, 06/07 2018

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2018 R2, 06/07 2018 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2018 R2, 06/07 2018 e seguenti

Country availability

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