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Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to reduce human intervention.
Aggiornato il mercoledì 19 giugno 2024
Aigoeye harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms to revolutionize video surveillance analysis. Aigoeye is adept at monitoring surveillance footage, identifying significant events, issuing instant alerts, and providing security teams with evidence-backed insight.
What is needed
Da Aigoeye AB
SarvAI v1.0.1.0
Aigoeye v0.1.1
Aigoeye v0.1.1
Da Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
XProtect Corporate 2021 R1
XProtect Corporate 2021 R2
XProtect Corporate 2022 R1
XProtect Corporate 2022 R2
XProtect Corporate 2023 R1
XProtect Corporate 2023 R2
XProtect Corporate 2021 R2
XProtect Corporate 2022 R1
XProtect Corporate 2022 R2
XProtect Corporate 2023 R1
XProtect Corporate 2023 R2
How it works
How to install
Aigoeye - Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to reduce human intervention.
In the realm of modern security and surveillance, the rise of technology has brought forth numerous benefits, but it has also introduced new challenges. One significant challenge faced by the users of Milestone surveillance systems is the frequent occurrence of false alarms, which not only disrupt daily operations but also strain the time and resources of surveillance system. In response to this challenge, we present "Aigoeye," a groundbreaking solution which integrates with Milestone‘s eco system to enable a new era of smart surveillance.Our innovative solution comprises two integral components. The first component, known as "SarvAI," is a dynamic plugin designed to integrate with the Milestone system. SarvAI's primary function is to extract information of alarms generated by Milestone's event server and facilitate the exportation of the corresponding alarm videos to our robust API, the second component of our solution, "Aigoeye API."
Key features
- Aigoeye is an Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning video analytics product that adds intelligence to existing surveillance infrastructure.
- Aigoeye can analyse the surveillance video, detect events, send out real-time alerts and provide intelligence that supports security personnel.
- Extracts only the valid motion in a scene, filtering out noise such as lighting changes, weather, trees, vehicle and animal movements.
- Built-in object recognition using Machine Learning algorithm to detect and classify objects in a scene.
- Aigoeye’s truly agnostic solution offers seamless integration enabling you to reuse existing infrastructure and make it intelligent.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
User manual & installation guide. | pdf Download (6,04 MB) |
Verificato da Milestone
Read verification
Required Aigoeye AB product(s)
Milestone XProtect:
Milestone XProtect Corporate 2021 R1, R2, 2022 R1, R2, 2023 R1
SarvAI 1.0.1
Aigoeye 0.1.1
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2023 R1, 03/07 2023
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2021 R1, 06/29 2021 e seguenti
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