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The Notifier ID3000 integrated into XProtect

Notifier ID3000 fire detection system integrated into XProtect®: monitoring, alarms, rules & control

Modifié le dimanche 19 juin 2022
Fourni par SGSE Soluciones Globales de Seguridad Electrónica Nous contacter
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Explore more
Allows to monitor and interact with Notifier ID3000 fire detection systems.
Send commands to the Notifier panel.
Receives events from the Notifier panel.
Configure alarms for these events.
The software send-receive the relevant data (alarm, prealarm, disable, enable…) to permit the interaction.
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What is needed

De SGSE Soluciones Globales de Seguridad Electrónica

  • Notifier plugin
Notifier ID3000 fire detection system.

De Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect
XProtect® Corporate 2020 R2 or higher
XProtect® Expert 2020 R2 or higher
XProtect® Professional+ 2020 R2 or higher
XProtect® Express+ 2020 R2 or higher

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How it works
How to install

The Notifier ID3000 integrated into XProtect - Notifier ID3000 fire detection system integrated into XProtect®: monitoring, alarms, rules & control

The Notifier plugin application is designed specifically to provide the Management procedure from Milestone XProtect® software to Notifier ID3000 panels. It’s the bridge between Milestone system and panels devices from Notifier.
The Plugin enables the possibility to send commands to the Notifier panel from the Milestone Smart Client application. And it also receives events from the Notifier panel.
User can configure alarms for these events in the Milestone Management Client.
When the plugin establishes connection with Panel, configuration’s data are taken from panel and include these like a part of the XProtect devices, including detector, manual call point, … description text and all relevant data from the panel.
The management begins in the XProtect system and ends in the Notifier ID3000 devices, the software send-receive the relevant data (alarm, prealarm, disable, enable…) to permit the interaction between XProtect (Milestone)-ID3000 (Notifier) creating a unique environment.

Key features

  • Full integration into XProtect logic: events to trigger rules and define alarms, and actions to interact with the fire detection system using rules.
  • Full integration into XProtect Smart Client maps. SID status of fire detection system elements and send commands with context menu
  • Automatic retrieval of fire detection system element.
How it works

How to install


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Required SGSE Soluciones Globales de Seguridad Electrónica product(s)
Notifier ID3000

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2020 R2, 06/09 2020
  • XProtect
    2020 R2, 06/09 2020
  • XProtect
    2020 R2, 06/09 2020
  • XProtect
    2020 R2, 06/09 2020

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2019 R3, 10/08 2019 et les versions ultérieures
  • XProtect
    2019 R3, 10/08 2019 et les versions ultérieures
  • XProtect
    2019 R3, 10/08 2019 et les versions ultérieures
  • XProtect
    2019 R3, 10/08 2019 et les versions ultérieures

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