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VDS - NVR50 | Thomas-Krenn.AG
The VDS- NVR50, up to 60 cameras, is designed and verified for Milestone XProtect.
Actualizada el viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2022
The compact, silent microserver VDS - NVR50 is ideal for use in the office and can manage up to 60 cameras simultaneously.
What is needed
Desde Thomas-Krenn.AG
Desde Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
How it works
How to install
VDS - NVR50 | Thomas-Krenn.AG - The VDS- NVR50, up to 60 cameras, is designed and verified for Milestone XProtect.
The VDS – NVR50 is a network video recording system that is specially designed and verified for the surveillance software Milestone XProtect.The compact, silent microserver is ideal for use in the office and can manage up to 60 cameras simultaneously. The server is also available as rack variant.
Key features
- Intel® Core™ i3-10100TE Prozessor
- 16 GB RAM, up to 64GB RAM
- 4x 3,5" (Hot-Swap) up to 72 TB
- Rack / Desktop Version
- Powerful silent office server
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
VDS - NVR50 | pdf Download (650,46 KB) |
VDS - NVR50 datasheet | pdf Download (183,04 KB) |
Verificada por Milestone
Read verification
Required Thomas-Krenn.AG product(s)
VDS - NVR50 V1.1
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2021 R1, 06/29 2021
XProtectEssential+2021 R1, 06/29 2021
XProtectProfessional+2021 R1, 06/29 2021
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2019 R3, 10/08 2019 y posteriores
XProtectEssential+2019 R3, 01/01 0001 y posteriores
XProtectProfessional+2019 R3, 10/08 2019 y posteriores
Country availability
Your location is: Estados Unidos
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