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Storage Video Server RS9 2U

Video optimized server Dual PSU with 8-bay HDD expandable with JBODs

Actualizada el viernes, 9 de febrero de 2024
Proporcionado por Fibrenetix Aps Contáctenos
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Meet Fibrenetix SVS RS9: Your ultimate Milestone XProtect-tailored Video Surveillance Solution! Compact, resilient, designed for high camera counts, GPU video offload, and versatile client viewing. Unleash excellence with up to 160TB RAID5 storage. Mission-ready brilliance!
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What is needed

Desde Fibrenetix Aps

  • SVS RS9 2U
Product: RS9 862 Storage Video Server
SKU: RS9-862-IQ-MS

Desde Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect
Milestone XProtect® Product: XProtect Corporate 2023 R1

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How it works
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Storage Video Server RS9 2U - Video optimized server Dual PSU with 8-bay HDD expandable with JBODs

SVS-RS9, a compact 2U, 8-bay Storage Video Server, excels in Milestone XProtect performance. With dual Intel® Xeon® Processors and Fibrenetix's RAID-6 engine, it ensures top-tier reliability and scalability at over 5.12 Petabytes per Server. Certified for major video management software, SVS-RS9 offers unmatched camera support and extended retention.

- Cost-Effective: Achieve industry-leading 'price per camera/cost per gigabyte' ratios.
- Extended Retention: Secure data for 90 or 180 days without compromising quality.
- Fault Tolerance: Upgrade for remote replication and server clustering.
- Designed in Denmark: Enterprise-class reliability and performance.
- Compatibility: Spare parts compatible with E8/E88 Series
- Scalable Storage: 8-bay HDD configuration with Fibrenetix Video Technology.
- Performance: Optimal results with up to 180 cameras at 1080p, 30fps using 20% Video Motion Detection.

Key features

  • Integrated Efficiency: SVS-RS9 merges recording and mass storage, simplifying CCTV projects in a compact 2U, 8-bay design.
  • High-Performance Hub: Powered by dual Intel® Xeon® Processors, SVS-RS9 ensures top-tier reliability with Fibrenetix's RAID-6 engine.
  • Limitless Scalability: SVS-RS9 supports over 5.12 Petabytes per Server, adapting to evolving needs with Fibrenetix's scalable Iceberg tech.
  • Versatile Compatibility: Certified for major video management software, SVS-RS9 offers extensive camera support and extended retention.
  • Cost-Efficient Powerhouse: SVS-RS9 excels with industry-leading 'price per camera/cost per gigabyte' ratios, maximizing efficiency within budget.
How it works

How to install


This is where you can find additional documentation

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Required Fibrenetix Aps product(s)
Operating System Windows Server 2019 Windows Storage Server 2016

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2023 R1, 03/07 2023
  • XProtect
    2023 R1, 03/07 2023
  • XProtect
    2023 R1, 03/07 2023
  • XProtect
    2023 R1, 03/07 2023
  • XProtect
    2023 R1, 03/07 2023

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2023 R1, 03/07 2023 y posteriores
  • XProtect
    2023 R1, 03/07 2023 y posteriores
  • XProtect
    2023 R1, 03/07 2023 y posteriores
  • XProtect
    2023 R1, 03/07 2023 y posteriores
  • XProtect
    2023 R1, 03/07 2023 y posteriores

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