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Storage Video Server RS3 1U
1U Video optimized Recording server Systems Builder Verified
Actualizada el viernes, 17 de junio de 2022
Cost effective high performance 1U server capable of
160 cameras recording 1080P 30fps 20% MD on server, 4Mbit/s
210 cameras recording 1080P 15fps 20% MD on server, 4Mbit/s
500 cameras recording 1080P 15fps continuously, 4Mbit/s
4 Bay SAS max capacity 56TB Raid 0/1/5/6 and stream ready to IPSAN.
160 cameras recording 1080P 30fps 20% MD on server, 4Mbit/s
210 cameras recording 1080P 15fps 20% MD on server, 4Mbit/s
500 cameras recording 1080P 15fps continuously, 4Mbit/s
4 Bay SAS max capacity 56TB Raid 0/1/5/6 and stream ready to IPSAN.
What is needed
Desde Fibrenetix Aps
RS3 1U server 4-Bay
Expansion with IPSAN up to 7,168 Terabyte
Expansion with IPSAN up to 7,168 Terabyte
Desde Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
XProtect Express + Plus ver. 2016 or higher
XProtect Professional + Plus ver. 2016 or higher
XProtect Expert + Plus ver. 2016 or higher
XProtect Corporate + Plus ver. 2016 or higher
XProtect Professional + Plus ver. 2016 or higher
XProtect Expert + Plus ver. 2016 or higher
XProtect Corporate + Plus ver. 2016 or higher
How it works
How to install
Storage Video Server RS3 1U - 1U Video optimized Recording server Systems Builder Verified
High performance Video optimized Server, very cost effective.160 cameras recording 1080P 30fps 20% MD on server, 4Mbit/s
210 cameras recording 1080P 15fps 20% MD on server, 4Mbit/s
500 cameras recording 1080P 15fps continuously, 4Mbit/s
Fully scalable using iPSAN or Fiber up to 7,168 TeraByte of raw data
3 years warranty on server hardware
3 years warranty on Harddrives
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
SVS Server RS3 Installation Guide v1.0 | pdf Download (1,42 MB) |
RS3 Data sheet | pdf Download (2,07 MB) |
Verificada por Milestone
Read verification
Required Fibrenetix Aps product(s)
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2019 R1, 02/05 2019
XProtectCorporate2019 R1, 02/05 2019
XProtectExpert2019 R1, 02/05 2019
XProtectEssential+2019 R1, 02/05 2019
XProtectProfessional+2019 R1, 02/05 2019
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2019 R1, 02/05 2019 y posteriores
XProtectCorporate2019 R1, 02/05 2019 y posteriores
XProtectExpert2019 R1, 02/05 2019 y posteriores
XProtectEssential+2019 R1, 02/05 2019 y posteriores
XProtectProfessional+2019 R1, 02/05 2019 y posteriores
Country availability
Your location is: Países Bajos
- Angola
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- Gabón
- Gambia
- Ghana
- Guadalupe
- Guinea
- Guinea Ecuatorial
- Guinea-Bissau
- Kenya
- Lesoto
- Liberia
- Libia
- Madagascar
- Malaui
- Mali
- Marruecos
- Mauricio
- Mauritania
- Mayotte
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- Niger
- Nigeria
- República Centroafricana
- República Democrática de Congo
- Reunión
- Ruanda
- Sahara Occidental
- Santa Helena
- Santo Tomé y Príncipe
- Senegal
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leona
- Somalia
- Suazilandia
- Sudáfrica
- Tanzania
- Territorio Británico del Océano Índico
- Togo
- Túnez
- Uganda
- Yibuti
- Zambia
- Zimbabue
- Afganistán
- Arabia Saudí
- Bangladés
- Baréin
- Brunei
- Bután
- Camboya
- China
- Chipre
- Emiratos Árabes Unidos
- Filipinas
- Fiyi
- Hong Kong
- India
- Indonesia
- Irak
- Islas Marshall
- Islas Salomón
- Japón
- Jordania
- Kazajistán
- Kirguistán
- Kuwait
- Líbano
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- Malasia
- Maldivas
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- Myanmar
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- Papúa Nueva Guinea
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- República de Corea
- Samoa
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- Sri Lanka
- Tailandia
- Taiwán
- Tayikistán
- Territorio Ocupado de Palestina
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- Vietnam
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- Malta
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