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Milestone Evidence Plugin (MEP)
MEP empowers users to seamlessly push videos to preferred backends, streamlining evidence handling.
Actualizada el lunes, 26 de febrero de 2024
The Milestone Plugin transforms video management by effortlessly enriching content with searchable metadata. Seamlessly integrating with DEMS or CMS systems, it simplifies organization and tagging, enhancing discoverability and accessibility.
What is needed
Desde Dynamic Workflow Solutions Inc.
Milestone Evidence Plugin
The service
Desde Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
How it works
How to install
Milestone Evidence Plugin (MEP) - MEP empowers users to seamlessly push videos to preferred backends, streamlining evidence handling.
The Milestone Evidence Plugin (MEP) is an evidence handling tool, to allow XProtect users a quick and easy way to submit video files to their backend Digital Evidence or Case Management system. The files (including all of the metadata and user generated metadata) can be the original first instance block files, and as a standard Mp4 files. It provides consistent operator flow across all case creation and desired workflows, via integrations with other best of breed incident management software.Within the User Interface (UI), you can enter in a Case Number/ID, add metadata (i.e. Classification, Name, Address, and more) to a configurable meta-form and then select cameras and specify the event times of interest. The MEP will pull the original first instance video files (block.blk) and then automatically rewrap the video file to a standard .mp4 file. It will send both files and the metadata to your preferred digital incident management system.
Key features
- Single Interface through XProtect
- Workflow can be customized to include audio, photos, documents, etc.
- Follows the Chain of Custody and a Shaw-256 hash is created for all assets
- Quickly and easily view video, change cameras, set event times, add metadata
- Integrate into any DEMS or CMS
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
MEP Installation Guide | pdf Download (312,20 KB) |
MEP User Guide | pdf Download (7,33 MB) |
Verificada por Milestone
Read verification
Required Dynamic Workflow Solutions Inc. product(s)
MEP v1.5
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2023 R3, 11/14 2023
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2023 R3, 11/14 2023 y posteriores
Country availability
Your location is: Países Bajos
- Angola
- Argelia
- Benín
- Botsuana
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Cabo Verde
- Camerún
- Chad
- Comoras
- Congo
- Costa de Marfil
- Egipto
- Eritrea
- Etiopía
- Gabón
- Gambia
- Ghana
- Guadalupe
- Guinea
- Guinea Ecuatorial
- Guinea-Bissau
- Kenya
- Lesoto
- Liberia
- Libia
- Madagascar
- Malaui
- Mali
- Marruecos
- Mauricio
- Mauritania
- Mayotte
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- Niger
- Nigeria
- República Centroafricana
- República Democrática de Congo
- Reunión
- Ruanda
- Sahara Occidental
- Santa Helena
- Santo Tomé y Príncipe
- Senegal
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leona
- Somalia
- Suazilandia
- Sudáfrica
- Sudán
- Sudán del Sur
- Tanzania
- Territorio Británico del Océano Índico
- Togo
- Túnez
- Uganda
- Yibuti
- Zambia
- Zimbabue
- Antártica
- Albania
- Alemania
- Andorra
- Antillas Neerlandesas
- Armenia
- Austria
- Azerbaiyán
- Bélgica
- Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Ciudad del Vaticano
- Croacia
- Dinamarca
- Eslovaquia
- Eslovenia
- España
- Estonia
- Finlandia
- Francia
- Georgia
- Gibraltar
- Grecia
- Guernsey
- Hungría
- Irlanda
- Isla de Man
- Islandia
- Islas Åland
- Islas Feroe
- Israel
- Italia
- Jersey
- Kosovo
- Letonia
- Liechtenstein
- Lituania
- Luxemburgo
- Macedonia
- Malta
- Moldavia
- Mónaco
- Montenegro
- Noruega
- Países Bajos
- Polonia
- Portugal
- Reino Unido
- República Checa
- República Turca de Chipre Septentrional
- Rumanía
- San Marino
- Serbia
- Suecia
- Suiza
- Svalbard y Jan Mayen
- Turquía
- Ucrania
- Bermudas
- Canadá
- Costa Rica
- Estados Unidos
- Groenlandia
- México
- República Dominicana
- San Pedro y Miquelón
- Sint Maarten
- Australia
- Estados Federados de Micronesia
- Guam
- Isla de Navidad
- Isla Norfolk
- Isla Wake
- Islas Cocos
- Islas Cook
- Islas Marianas del Norte
- Islas Ultramarinas Menores de Estados Unidos
- Kiribati
- Niue
- Nueva Caledonia
- Nueva Zelanda
- Pitcairn
- Polinesia Francesa
- Puerto Rico
- Samoa Americana
- Tokelau
- Wallis y Futuna
- Anguila
- Antigua y Barbado
- Argentina
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- Islas Georgias del Sur y Sandwich del Sur
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- Islas Turcas y Caicos
- Islas Virgen Americanas
- Islas Virgen Británicas
- Jamaica
- Martinica
- Montserrat
- Nicaragua
- Panamá
- Paraguay
- Perú
- Saint Lucia
- San Bartolomé
- San Cristóbal y Nieves
- San Martín
- San Vicente y las Granadinas
- Surinam
- Trinidad y Tobago
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
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