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Spotlight Plug-in for the XProtect Smart Client
Stay alert with Spotlight's user-defined audio announcements and alarm-specific visual cues.
Aggiornato il martedì 19 settembre 2023
Spotlight™ captures a XProtect Smart Client operator's attention with user-defined audio announcements and alarm-specific visual cues, view changes, and pop-up windows.
Spotlight SHOWS and TELLS when alarms-of-interest occur.
Spotlight SHOWS and TELLS when alarms-of-interest occur.
What is needed
Da App-Techs Corporation
Da Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
How it works
How to install
Spotlight Plug-in for the XProtect Smart Client - Stay alert with Spotlight's user-defined audio announcements and alarm-specific visual cues.
The Spotlight™ Plug-in for the XProtect Smart Client dynamically changes the Smart Client display when events and / or alarms of interest occur.Spotlight™ is completely plug-and-play. Enter alarm and/or event keywords on your Smart Client, select a color, type in an optional speech phrase, and audio and visual alerts will be automatically activated. No user-defined events, rules, or back-end configuration required. Audio announcements come directly from the Smart Client workstation speakers.
Audio and visual alarm indicators include:
1. Color-coded bounding boxes around live camera cells for alarms-of-interest.
2. User-defined, text-to-speech audio announcements when alarms-of-interest occur.
3. Change the on-screen smart client view based on alarm-keyword match
4. Pop-up "Floating" windows based on alarm keyword match.
Settings can be managed locally or shared with other Smart Client users.
Key features
- Associate a user-defined, text-to-speech AUDIO announcements with event or alarm keywords Announcements play directly from workstation speakers.
- Display color-coded bounding boxes automatically around live cameras based on alarm keyword matches to indicate alarm location, type, or severity.
- Automatically change the on-screen view, or trigger a Pop-Up "floating" window based on an alarm keyword match.
- Spotlight™ is completely plug-and-play. No user-defined events, rules, or back-end configuration required. No need to pre-record audio announcements!
- Maintain Spotlight settings by user, or share settings globally across your workstation. No need to configure every workstation locally.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Spotlight Plug-In for XProtect Smart Client User Manual | pdf Download (1,42 MB) |
Spotlight™ Plug-in One Page Flyer | pdf Download (249,26 KB) |
Verificato da Milestone
Read verification
Required App-Techs Corporation product(s)
Requires Windows 10 and the Milestone Smart Client. Spotlight™ just needs to be dropped in the XProtect Smart Client MIPPlugins folder.
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2023 R2, 06/20 2023
XProtectCorporate2023 R2, 06/20 2023
XProtectExpert2023 R2, 06/20 2023
XProtectEssential+2023 R2, 06/20 2023
XProtectProfessional+2023 R2, 06/20 2023
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2018 R1, 02/20 2018 e seguenti
XProtectCorporate2020 R1, 02/11 2020 e seguenti
XProtectExpert2018 R1, 02/20 2018 e seguenti
XProtectEssential+2018 R1, 02/20 2018 e seguenti
XProtectProfessional+2018 R1, 02/20 2018 e seguenti
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