Scheduling options (properties)

When you configure general scheduling and archiving, you can specify certain properties for many cameras in one go. In the case of Scheduling Options, it is because the properties are shared by all cameras.

Start cameras on client requests

Cameras may be offline, for example because they have reached the end of an online recording schedule, in which case client users cannot view live video from the cameras.

If you select Start cameras on client requests, client users can view live video from the camera outside online schedule, but without recording. This technically means to force the camera to be online outside its online schedule.

You must select Enable recording when started on client request (see the following), if you want recording to take place.

Enable recording when started on client request

Enable recording on the camera when Start cameras on client requests (see the previous) is also selected.

If a user does not have access to manual recording, selecting Enable recording when started on client request, does not enable the user to do manual recording.

Schedule profile for new cameras

Select which online schedule profile to use as default for cameras you later add to your system. Note that your selection only applies for the online schedule, not for any other schedules. The default selection is Always on, meaning that new cameras are always online, transferring video to the system server for live viewing and further processing.

Maximum delay between reconnect attempts

Control the aggressiveness of reconnection attempts. If your system loses the connection to a camera, it by default attempts to re-establish the connection after ten seconds.

In some environments, for example if using vehicle-mounted cameras through wireless connections, camera connections may frequently be lost, and you may want to change the aggressiveness of such reconnection attempts.

You can view live and even record video from a camera outside its online recording schedule. To do this, you select the Start cameras on client requests and, if needed, the Enable recording when started on client request options in the following when setting up your scheduling properties for the camera in question.

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