Install XProtect Smart Client silently

You can deploy XProtect Smart Client or your surveillance software to users’ computers using tools such as Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS). Such tools let you build up databases of hardware and software on local networks. The databases can then, among other things, be used for distributing and installing software applications, such as XProtect Smart Client, over local networks.

  1. Locate the Smart Client installation program (.exe) file - XProtect Smart Client 2018 R2 Installer.exe or XProtect Smart Client 2018 R2 Installer x64.exe for 32-bit and 64-bit versions respectively. You find the file in a subfolder under the folder httpdocs. The httpdocs folder is located under the folder in which your Milestone surveillance software is installed.

    The path is typically:
    C:\Program Files\Milestone\XProtect Management Server\IIS\httpdocs\XProtect Smart Client Installer\[version number] [bit-version]\All Languages\en-US

    For example:
    C:\Program Files\Milestone\XProtect Management Server\IIS\httpdocs\XProtect Smart Client Installer\2018 R1 (32-bit)\All Languages\en-US
  2. Run a silent installation using one of the following two options:

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